Scott and I had the incredible opportunity to see the 100 Monkeys in concert in Dallas this past August. If you haven't already, feel free to scroll down and read my post about it later. :-)
On the 100 Monkeys' latest CD, Liquid Zoo, there is a song called The Sound. It is a very catchy song with a nice groove and Scott and I both love it. In the middle of the song, for reasons I cannot for the life of me explain, there is a rap. Yes, a rap. It is my least favorite part of the song but, even still, it is catchy. The guy who does this rap is not an actual member of the group. His name is William but also goes by "Thwilla". I guess that is his "rap" name. Thwilla travels with the band, doing PR stuff and probably anything else that is needed, so I am hoping that he is not wanting to venture into the rap music business full-time. *collective sigh of relief*
Some of the lyrics (I think the "catchiest") of Thwilla's rap are:
'Cause you're bad
You know this
Your Dad
He noticed
Let me interject some information for those who don't already know Scott or myself very well: my husband is 7 years older than I am, which makes him *cough* 40-something *cough*. NOT that he looks "old" or anything....he really doesn't. In fact, he still gets carded at Buffalo Wild Wings. I just feel it is important to know this before I finish the story. A little foreshadowing perhaps??
Sooooo, we are in Dallas, having a blast at the show, when they start playing The Sound. Scott and I were both happy because we like the song so much but we were also giggling because we knew the stupid rap was coming up. I was standing in the second row, dead-center, in front of the stage, which is where Thwilla was doing most of his rap. Scott was standing directly behind me. Thwilla gets to the "Your DAD, He noticed" part and...wait for it...POINTS DIRECTLY TO SCOTT!! I don't know if he thought Scott was my dad or some other chick's dad or if he just could tell that he most likely is a dad but it was still freaking funny! At least, I thought it was funny the next day when Scott finally admitted what happened. He, of course, did NOT think it was funny and he STILL doesn't think it is funny! Which makes it even more funny to me!
That's it! That's the Thwilla Story, Dangrdafne! I told you it probably wouldn't live up to the suspense and it is probably more entertaining when told in person but, at least, I finally told you! I hope you were able to giggle a little bit while reading. ;-)
For the record, I totally missed the pointing by Thwilla because I was fixated on Ben G and his beautiful solo that gets trampled by the rap!
This is a pic of Thwilla from the Tulsa show. Scott wasn't there but I texted him this pic and told him Thwilla was looking for him! I'm so mean!!